For Artos, SM, Hi-Tech, Dhall

Aluminium Clip with Pin Carrier
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Artos Type
Quality & Quantity Assured

Aluminum Pin Block
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Artos
Heavy Casting
Aluminium Pin Block
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Harish Type
Heavy Casting

Combine roller clips with roller feeler.
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Artos
Fastening of pin plate/ pin bar with two screws
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Ferraro Compactor
Fastening of pin plate/ pin bar with one screws

Combine roller clips with roller feeler.
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Compactor Machine
Fastening of pin plate/ pin bar with one screws
Combine roller clips with roller feeler.
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Artos
Fastening of pin plate/ pin bar with two screws

Combine roller clips with roller feeler.
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Artos
Fastening of pin plate/ pin bar with two screws
Combine roller clips with roller feeler.
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Artos
Fastening of pin plate/ pin bar with two screws

Combine roller clips with roller feeler.
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Artos
Fastening of pin plate/ pin bar with two screws
Combine roller clips with roller feeler.
Suitable for stenter frame
Types -Artos
Fastening of pin plate/ pin bar with two screws